Akshay Kumar clarify that no clash will be happen between Padman and 2PointO
Akshay Kumar clear that 2.O never clash with padman niether padman will clash with 2.O , After the declaration of the release date of Padman , Akshay Kumar fans repeatedly asked on Twitter that when will release 2.O or they assumed that it will clash between both film but after some time AkshayKumar just clarify that it will never happen " There is a lot of information circulated in the social media of theclash between both films. Why would I release both film on the same day ? If I will release Padman with 2PointO then Padman will not perform well and 2PointO is produced by Shankar and Lyca production if they want to release this film on the republic then I will not release Padman and all if they will not then I will release my Padman because there is lot of lineup for releasing movie in republic day ." So this the main reason to declare the Padman on republic day because Akshay don't leave the date and he want to busy this date , from many time AkshayKumar is releasing his film on republic day like Baby and Airlift now it will exciting to know which film will release on republic day ..
Please comment below that which film do you want on Republic day ??
Thank you
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